Welcome To The Lightstation 12 Website!
Lightstation 12 was created as a nonprofit organization to build, foster, and support a like-minded spiritual community that is dedicated to providing quality classes, training, guidance, and resources to assist anyone pursuing their own spiritual growth, evolution, and self-mastery.
From the staff of Lightstation 12, know that you are Blessed and are Loved!
(Top Image Photo Credit: Pyramid Lake courtesy Letitia Vezane-Herman)

About Our Teachers & Founders:
A dedicated group of elders who have been studying and teaching spiritual & metaphysical principles for many years, and who are excited to be of service!
Learn More >
About Our Classes & Events:
Both virtual and in-person classes and events are regularly scheduled. (in-person events/classes take place in the high desert outside of Reno, Nevada, or at Mt. Shasta.)
See our Calendar Page for current offerings >
Join our Virtual Community:
Please join us in our growing and active
worldwide Facebook Community page.
Lightstation 12 Is Committed to:
- As a nonprofit, we will continue to provide high-quality, high-valued free material for you to review and absorb.
- Provide books and learning materials available for purchase to assist your growth and self-mastery.
- Support our local community by making our facilities available for other groups to host their retreats.
Donations Are Welcome…
Dearest friends and Soul companions, over the many past years, we have held the vision of creating a new spiritual retreat center. Please help us make that dream become a reality. If you are in a position to support us, please do so. If not, we appreciate your positive energy.
Recent Messages:
- Message from RAMA #69, Published 1/6/2024, received 3/28/22We are most pleased to follow up this message from the one given to the participants in the LIghtstation12 dedication ceremony. We will note evidence begins to pour in of the strength of the combined energies others around the world who will be participating, experiencing communion with your group.
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- Message from RAMA #78, May 29, 2022We are most pleased to follow up this message from the one given to the participants in the LIghtstation12 dedication ceremony. We will note evidence begins to pour in of the strength of the combined energies others around the world who will be participating, experiencing communion with your group.
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- Message from RAMA #51, Feb 14, 2022 #2Now we begin this session with more about harmonics. Vibrations resonate with each other in ways you have not begun to imagine. When you walk into a room and feel a connection with multiple persons, these are harmonic vibrations. You are easily aligned and synchronistic. You may be in different vibrations, but they are harmonic, synchronistic.
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- Message from RAMA #49, Feb 11, 2022We are grateful for the opportunity to speak directly to, and through your soul family. Much energy has been accumulated to present this project in a full and complete manifestation as it now becomes available to serve as this two way portal of communication and enhanced energy and consciousness flow known as Lightstation12. The beginning of this project has been long underway and the initiation, the construction is now truly in the developmental stage.
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- Message from RAMA #24, Dec 29, 2021Today we speak to you of a higher order… there are so many higher dimensional beings who are aware of your progress. They applaud these achievements, and they offer their assistance their guidance. They are enabling you with their energetic support, sending their love and light through the cosmos to directly affect the stream of consciousness that is now being accessed by you and so many more.
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- Archangel Michael Message for Red Rock Road FundraiserThese are the “Bridging Years,” whereby humanity is endeavoring to integrate many levels of higher consciousness. You are also gaining access to the portals which give you access to the Cities of Light so that you may anchor these Pathways firmly within the new Crystalline Earth Grid System of the Aquarian Age.
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