About Us & Our Organization:
About Lightstation 12:
LightStation12 is a retreat center located on Red Rock Rd., outside of Reno, Nevada, USA. The organization “1st World Servers” is a nonprofit organization serving at LightStation12, providing events, classes, and training.
Our mission is to provide a home base for fellow World Servers, and help them establish their base, lay their foundation, and achieve their own self-mastery.

The Teepee at Lightstation 12 Retreat Center
Lightstation 12 Intentions:
To build on the classes and materials previously offered by Ronna Herman Vezane and Randall Monk. (A separate list of their books is provided.) These will include classes on Self Mastery and understanding, the use of the Infinity Breath exercise, and the use of 5th-dimension personal and group work pyramids.
About Our Teachers and Founders:
Steve Moyer

Lightstation 12 Founder
Steve has been a lifelong seeker of spiritual truth. He holds a Masters Degree in Consciousness Studies through the prestigious Holmes Institute in Golden, Colorado. Steve served as a Practitioner in Centers for Spiritual Living in both Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada. He later served several years as the Spiritual Leader of Circles Edge – Center for Spiritual Living in Reno. He has hosted spiritual retreats, taught numerous classes, and performed many types of spiritual ceremonies for many years.
He was raised within the Lutheran Church but quickly began studying several diverse practices and teachers including; hypnosis, regressions, Edgar Cayce, Joel Goldsmith, Bahai, Buddhism, Gnosticism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and the Kabbalah. His other major influences were the works of channelers and teachers such as Ronna Herman Vezane, Lee Carrol, Jane Roberts, Sanaya Roman, Randall Monk, Pepper Lewis, and Ernest Holmes.
Steve has had amazing metaphysical experiences throughout his lifetime, including at sacred sites including Macchu Picchu, Nazca, and the Amazon Jungle in Peru, Sedona in Arizona, Grimes Point, Pyramid Lake, Lake Tahoe in Nevada, and most notably at Mt. Shasta, California. While working with his friend Ronna, Steve spontaneously experienced communication with Lord Rama, the highest incarnation of the aspects of Archangel Michael. Steve has been channeling Lord Rama regularly ever since.
As a very young child in Pennsylvania, he knew and told his parents that he was reincarnated. He would like to thank his Spirit Guides for the numerous metaphysical and life experiences he has enjoyed. He now lives with his partner Susan, on their small ranch outside Reno, Nevada, where, with their soul family, they are building a spiritual retreat center named Lightstation12.
Randall Monk

Author, Student & Teacher
Randall Monk: Randall is an author, student, and teacher of self-help, ascension practices, metaphysics, and spiritual development. He has been studying subjects of this nature since the early 1970s and has been teaching them since 2007. Randall is the author of LIFE MASTERY TOOLS FOR THE AGE OF ASCENSION and a contributing author of the award-winning, best-selling book, NAVIGATING THE CLICKETY-CLACK – How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World – Volume 3.
He also co-authored the Becoming an Alpha Master audio program with Ronna Herman Vezane. For several years, he has been working closely with Ronna, a messenger for Archangel Michael. Randall is a Prime Memory Seed Crystal Activator and as such works closely with a group of angels and special, encoded Seed Crystals. He also helps people discover their life purpose, manage life’s challenges, and manifest their dreams, via webinars and workshops.
Randall’s website: TimelyGuidance.com

Ronna is an internationally known author, lecturer, and messenger for Archangel Michael. His wisdom teachings of hope and inspiration through Ronna have been featured in thousands of inspirational and spiritual publications around the world. They have also been translated and published into most major languages. Ronna has published a total of sixteen books and many E-Booklets. She has published a message from Archangel Michael every month since February 1992.
Ronna’s extensive background as an administrative assistant to the president of a large corporation, and also as a real estate broker/manager of a very successful real estate company in southern California, helped prepare her for her second career as an inspirational teacher, lecturer, and author.
Ronna established her company, STAR*QUEST, and her website in 1994. She is currently known worldwide for her inspired monthly messages from Archangel Michael and her life-changing seminars and workshops. She teaches a common sense approach to spirituality, along with “Archangel Michael’s Spiritual Wisdom Teachings for Evolving Humanity.” A multitude of people around the world testify that her books and seminars have changed their lives – for the better.
Although she is in her 94th year ‘around the sun,’ Ronna enjoys excellent health and vitality. Ronna rarely travels anymore; however, periodically, she along with her business partner and spiritual brother, Randy Monk, holds a series of very popular webinars and YouTube Videos entitled “Gems of Wisdom from Archangel Michael.”
Ronna is a living example of what she teaches: To integrate the Subconscious, Conscious, and Superconscious minds, to heal the physical, emotional, and mental bodies, and to partner with Spirit to become a Self-Master and a cocreator of love, abundance, peace, and joy.
Ronna’s website and contact information: StarQuestMastery.com | Email: RonnaStar AT earthlink DOT net